Pac Man Nebula (NGC 281) - Sketch

Pac Man nebula sketch

object details: NGC 281: emission HII nebulous region. IC 1590: open cluster. HD 5005: multiple star (in the middle). Constellation: Cassiopea.

Location and conditions: Negev desert (Nahal Barak), Israel, ~6.6 NELM.
Date: 25-26/07/2011 , 22:30
Instrument: Orion SVP 8" F/5 Newtonian, Vixen LVW 13mm, UHC, 77X, 51' TFOV.
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with a telescope under a red light. Processed in Photoshop. Observation by Michael Vlasov.

Original drawing:

pac man nebula sketch pencil