Orionid Meteor Trail Through a Telescope - Drawing
This is a sketch of a trail of glowing ionized gas, which was formed by a falling meteor at 28 october 2011 (remnant of Orionids). I was able to observe the gas through my 200mm Newtonian, at 77X magnification, immideatly after the meteor.
The trail has veil-like transparent structure, in some spots composed of two parallel diffuse lanes (just like the Veil nebula. It also has quite similar size scale). It was a very pretty sight, while the "veil" is constantly moving through the stars, changing shape, widening and slowly fading out. I could observe it for a minute or two until it dissapeared.
Location and conditions: Yehuda Desert, Israel, ~6.1 mag. sky.
Time and date: 28-29/10/2011 , ~03:30.
Instrument: Orion skyview pro 8" F/5 Newtonian. 13mm Vixen LVW eyepiece (77X).
Drawing details: Graphite pencil drawing on a white paper, Processed in Photoshop.
This is a rather impressionistic sketch. It was made after the observing session (not at the eyepiece) and may not reflect the exact gas shape (unlike my other drawings).
Original drawing: