Whirlpool Galaxy (Messier 51, NGC 5195) - Sketch
Location and conditions: Negev desert, Israel, ~6.8 NELM.
Date: 15/06/2007
Instrument: Orion Skyview pro 8" F/5 Newtonian, Televue plossl 8m, 125X.
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with a telescope under a red light. Processed in Photoshop. Observer: Michael Vlasov.
Galaxy in the middle: "Whirlpool Galaxy", M 51. Spiral galaxy - interacting pair (involves NGC5195). Magnitude: 7.5m. constellation: Canis Venaciti.
Galaxy at top: NGC 5195, dward galaxy, satellite of M 31.
magnitude: 8m. distance 2.9 Mly.