Moon: Plato, Vallis Alpes panorama, animation - 1.5.2020
Plato and Vallis Alpes region panorama and shadow animation.
Current photo taken from Park Goren, Israel, 01 may 2020.
Instrument: 300mm F/4 Newtonian @4300mm, Siebert 3.5x barlow, ASI290MM camera and 685nm IR Pass filter. Panorama of 4 images, each is a stack of ~500/5000 frames. Processed by Autostakkert, Astra-Image (Deconvolution) and Photoshop. Previous photo for the animation was taken with the same setup but ASI290MC camera (Red channel) at 1/4/2020.
Panorama of Vallis Alpes and Plato crater - click for full resolution