"TheSky" Deep-Sky Atlas - 1st Release
This is an earlier version. Click here for a newer and more detailed second release of "Deep-Sky Hunter" star atlas, which covers the entire sky (designed for A3).
I created this atlas in 2007 as a field aid for observing deep sky objects. It has approximately same scale as Sky Atlas 2000, features stars up to 9.5th magnitude, and was designed for colour or greyscale printing on A4 pages. Since only deep sky objects down to 12.5th to 13.5th magnitude are plotted - it is possible to find almost every DSO featured in this atlas using a moderate telescope (over 8 inch) under dark skies. Each of 80 charts covers 20x30 degrees of sky, and it is limited to declination of -58º south. The atlas is optimized for viewing under a red flashlight.
DeepSky atlas full (single PDF file, 19MB)

Cygnus region chart example

Triangulum region chart example
- Stars down to 9.5th magnitude
- Labeled DSO down to 12.5th magnitude
- Marked double stars up to 8.5th magnitude
- Common names of deep sky objects and stars
- Index charts, constellation index, and "next-page" direction marks
- Constellation lines and borders
- Shaded Milky Way, RA/DEC grid, ecliptic, constellation lines
Notes and Copyright Information:
Stars down to 9.5th magnitude from Tycho, Hipparcos and Guide Star catalogs are plotted and labeled with common names, Bayer and Flamsteed designations. For select double stars - separation in arc-seconds is listed. Labels of deep sky objects (common names and catalog numbers) are plotted down to 12th magnitude, while fainter DSO (down to 12.5-13.5th magnitude) are displayed without a label - this may give a hint whether a particular object is reachable. The atlas is less suitable for southern hemisphere observers, since it plots the sky only down to declination of -58º (south). It covers whole sky for observers living from 32°N and higher. To print the atlas Adobe Acrobat reader is required. Source charts were generated in "TheSky 5" program (Software Bisque ® all rights reserved) and converted to PDF (vector graphics).
Instructions for printing:
For best results print the atlas as explained in the following diagram, at 600dpi resolution (at least), preferably in color, on A4 paper, with "reduce to printer margins" option checked.

Printing instructions
Alternative download options:
DeepSky atlas part1 (PDF file, 6.3MB)
DeepSky atlas part2 (PDF file, 5.0MB)
DeepSky atlas part3 (PDF file, 7.3MB)
DeepSky cover, index (PDF file, 0.5MB)
DeepSky atlas full - zipped (ZIP file, 17.3MB)
alternative download mirror in box.net website: here