Messier 92 (Globular Cluster) - Sketch

Messier 92 sketch

Location and conditions: Rehovot city, Israel, ~4.9 NELM.
Date: 01/06/2012 , 01:40
Instrument: Skywatcher BKP250 10" F/5 Newtonian, Televue 8mm plossl, 150X.
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with telescope under a red light. Sketch is non-inverted and north oriented. Scanned, inverted and processed in Photoshop.  Observer: Michael Vlasov.
Object details: Messier 92, globular cluster, magnitude 6.3 m, distance 26.3 Kly, constellation Hercules.

Despite the light polluted area (4.9m sky) - this globular was still a rich, remarkable object. It's small, has a condensed core, and was easily split to stars at 150X. The cluster is domiated by about a dozen scattered brighter stars, and there is a faint, lose trail of stars at M92's north side.

Original drawing:
m92 sketch -  pencil drawing