NGC 6781 (Planetary Nebula) - Sketch
object details: planetary nebula
size: 2' magnitude: 11.8m
cosntellation: Aquila
Location and conditions: Negev desert (Nahal Barak), Israel, ~6.7 mag. sky.
Time and date: 5-6/08/2011 , 02:30 (UT + 3).
Instrument: Orion 8" F/5 Newtonian. 13mm Vixen LVW eyepiece (77X). UHC filter.
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with a telescope under red light. Processed in Photoshop. Observation by Michael Vlasov.
Quite large planetary nebula, was easily spotted despite it's low magnitude. At only 77X Has almost round, ring-like shape. The "ring" is split-open in northern part. It isn't clearly difined, and slightly washed out towards the center of nebula. No central star visible.
Original drawing: