NGC 5846, 5850 Group of Galaxies - Sketch

ngc 5846, 5850 chain drawing

Object details: NGC 5846, 5850 group of galaxies. Constellation: Virgo (3° west of M5).
Location and conditions: Negev desert, Israel, 6.6 NELM.
Date and Time: 3-4/5/2019, 03:30 (UT+3)
Instrument: VX12 300mm F/4 Newtonian, Paracorr T1, 10mm Pentax XW (138x, 0.52°).
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with telescope under a red light. Scanned, inverted and processed in Photoshop. The brightness is slightly exagerrated for presentation purposes. Observer: Michael Vlasov.

Objects data and observer's notes:

NGC 5846: elliptical galaxy (E0), magnitude: 10.0m, s.b: 13.0
brightest galaxy in group - round, symmetric, with a bright core.

NGC 5846A: elliptical galaxy (E2), magnitude: 13.8m 
very small and faint galaxy, adjacent to NGC 5846.

NGC 5850: spiral galaxy (SBab), magnitude: 10.8m, s.b: 13.6
second bright galaxy in group - fairly large, slightly elongated, with uniform brightness. Appears quite faint despite its 10.8th magnitude (low surface brightness).

NGC 5845: elliptical galaxy (E3), magnitude: 12.5m, s.b: 11.5
a very compact "star-like" galaxy, appears quite bright.

NGC 5839: spiral galaxy (SO), magnitude: 12.7m, s.b: 13
fairly large, fuzzy and very faint (barely visible).

(Data from SAC 8.1 database)

ngc 5846, 5850 chain annotated

Original drawing:
ngc 5846, 5850 chain sketch - original