46P/Wirtanen Comet (Dec 2018) - Sketch

46P/Wirtanen Comet sketch

Object details: 46P/Wirtanen comet, constellation: Taurus, magnitude: 3.5 (source).

Notes: The comet appared slightly assymetric towards NEE (left) direction, with a large, bright, diffuse coma around a bright, compact nucleous.

Location and conditions: Golan Heights, Israel, ~6.1 NELM.
Date and time: 14-15/12/2018, 01:45 (UT+2)
Instrument: VX12 300mm F/4 Newtonian, Paracorr T1, 18mm ES82 (77x, 1.06°).
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with telescope under a red light. Scanned, inverted and processed in Photoshop. The brightness is slightly exagerrated for presentation purposes. Observer: Michael Vlasov.

Original drawing:

46P/Wirtanen Comet original drawing