Affilate Links Disclosure

Some of the links on this site are so called "affilate links" (only relevant to a astronomical equipment stores). Affilate link means that if a purchase is made through it - I get a small comission fee (this doesn't affect the buyer). I'm not sponsored in any other way, and not promoting any specific products. All of my articles and guides are based strictly on my experience and personal opinion.

Complete list of affilate link locations:

  • Banners at the right navigation bar - sitewide.
  • Links to OPT and Levenhuk stores in "how to observe the sun" article.
  • Links to OPT store in "what can I see through telescope" article.
  • Link to OPT store in "bahtinov mask" article.

Complete list of partnered stores:

OPT Telescopes - a major US based astronomical equipment store (with international shipping), this is a reputable, specialized store with a wide range of equipment for all levels.

Astroshop.EU - a major european astronomical equipment store (with international shipping). This store also offers a wide range of equipment for all levels.

Levenhuk - a US based optical equipment store (with international shipping). This store offers mostly simple, cheap equipment for beginners (except for a full range of Meade products).


Currently this website is non commercial, and based only on my own work. The promoted links were added since the hosting costs began to climb, and I need a way to compensate for that. If the revenues (which I've yet to see) will surpass the running costs - I'll update this disclaimer.

This disclaimer was last updated feb 2021.