Select Astronomical Events for Israel

Year 2020

Sun, Moon and planets

Mars: very close opposition at 6/10: 22.6" arcsec, alt 62°. During 24/9 - 18/10: over 22".

Jupiter: During 26/6 - 3/8: over 47", alt 35°. During autumn-winter: alt ~43° at evening.

Saturn: During 08/6 - 2/9: over 18"(40"), alt 36°. During autumn-winter: alt ~38° at evening.

Venus: Before 18/05: above 20° at sunset. During 10/07-30/10: above 30° at sunrise.

Mercury: 01-10/06: furthest from Sun (visible after sunset), ...

Uranus and Neptune: Best during autumn-winter.

Solar activity ~0%.


24/5: Venus, Mercury, Moon conjunction at sunset

5-6/6: Penumbral Lunar eclipse, 20:45-00:04 (UT+3)

21/6: Partial Solar eclipse, 07:28-09:30 (UT+3)

11-12/8: Perseids meteor shower, ~100 ZHR, Moon (47%) rises at 23:54

13-14/12: Gemenids meteor shower, ~150 ZHR, new Moon (1%)

21/12: Jupiter and Saturm super conjunction (6' arcmin, alt 20° at sunset)

Year 2021

Sun, Moon and planets

Solar activity ~0%



Year 2022

Sun, Moon and planets

Solar activity ~25%



16/5: Partial Lunar eclipse, 04:32-05:39 (UT+3)

14-15/9: Uranus occultation by Moon, ~00:05 (UT+3), alt ~33°

25/10: Partial Solar eclipse, 12:55-15:21

15/12: Uranus occultation by Moon, ~18:15 (UT+2), alt ~43°


Year 2023

Sun, Moon and planets

Solar activity ~50%



05/05: Penumbral Lunar eclipse, 18:14-22:30 (UT+3)

09/11: Venus occultation by Moon, during daylight, ~12:54 (UT+2), alt ~20°


Year 2024

Sun, Moon and planets

Solar activity ~100%



16-17/9: Partial Lunar eclipse, 00:41-04:47 (UT+2)

21-22/9: Neptune occultation by Moon, ~00:08 (UT+3), alt ~40°

15/10: Neptune grazing conjunction with Moon, ~18:40 (UT+2), alt ~32°



Events which are compromised by observing conditions (daylight, moon) are omitted.

Planets visibility and meteor showers are updated only for the current year.

Only select events which match my specific observing interests are listed.